Gift Aid Letter

As many of you will be aware, as a registered Charity we can claim Gift Aid on your membership payments as long as you are paying Income Tax to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) in the UK.

This means that for every UK member who pays us a £10 membership fee, we can claim £2.50 from HMRC at no cost to you the member.

Gift Aid is an important factor in all charities income, and we are no exception.

This site contains a membership renewal form for existing members. Included as part of the document is a Gift Aid form and information for you the member about Gift Aid.

As a registered charity we have to be able to provide proof that each member we are claiming Gift Aid for, has actively opted in to the Gift Aid scheme. This is why the form is reproduced each year.

If you have a change in circumstances and you now pay Income Tax and would like to include Gift Aid as part of your payment to us, then you just need to fill out the Gift Aid form and send it in.

If, however, your circumstances have changed and you no longer pay Income Tax, then you need to contact the Society Treasurer to indicate this change and the date of the change so that we only collect Gift Aid on your donations in the relevant time frame.

It became apparent recently that a form that had been issued by the Society for Gift Aid purposes was incorrect and did not comply with the rules of the scheme as detailed by HMRC.

We have since rectified this error and have updated the form so that it does comply with the scheme rules. Unfortunately this does mean that a number of members who indicated their wish to utilise the Gift Aid option did so on a form that we cannot use to back up our claim for Gift Aid.

we would therefore like to take this opportunity to ask all members to complete and return the Gift Aid form contained in the centre of this journal.

If anyone has any questions regarding the Gift Aid scheme the Treasurer will be happy to answer them, contact details can be found at the back of the journal in the Officers of the Society section and also by navigating to our "Message Us" tab, found on the drop down menu under "Home" in the main menu on this site.

Hon. Treasurer A Ingram