Your Committee

Your current committee consists of Ann, Ian and Shelagh, who want to thank the outgoing committee of Hilary, Sally, Diane and Frances, who have put in many years of hard work for the group, and who will be sorely missed. They still intend to be part of the group, and we hope they enjoy future meetings.

If you wish to get in touch with the group for further details email


Meetings are on the second Friday of each month, 7.00 for 7.15pm, with the exception of August. Meetings will be at the Station Master's House, between Birkdale Station and the station car park. PR8 4AR. 

This building has been made fully accessible with a permanent ramp to the front door and a lift for anyone who needs it.

Date Day Time Place Subject Speaker(s)

13 December 2024


7.15 pm

Station Master's House, by Birkdale Station, Southport, PR8 4AR

Christmassy Things, a group event

10 January 2025


7.15 pm

Station Master's House, by Birkdale Station, Southport, PR8 4AR

Doors open at 7.00pm for refreshments, followed by our AGM. Followed by "Breaking Down Your Brick Walls". A group discussion on either your successes or asking for suggestions.

Group Event